Saturday, May 01, 2010

Nathan's Rainbow

The morning I was in labor, August 3, 2003, on the way to the hospital, there was a big rainbow in the sky. I haven't seen a rainbow since. This morning, I was sitting outside and it started to sprinkle, but yet was a little bit sunny outside. I thought, will there be a rainbow. I kept looking. A few minutes later, it appeared. I called Trey and Owen outside and we just stared at it. We said hello to Nathan and thanked him and God for the sign that all is well. Within a few minutes, the rain was gone and so was the rainbow. What a special moment that was. I pray as time goes by, Nate and God will continue to send us signs like this to help with healing.


Lucy and Ethel said...

Dear Trey and Jen,

I'm so glad you had a rainbow! I'd say you'll be seeing a lot of Nathan :)

Please know you are in the prayers of many as you face what will be one of the roughest patches in your Nathan journey.

Helen ('Lucy'), one of way too many SMA angel moms

Cathy Peters said...

Words fail to convey how my heart aches for you. Nate will always be remembered. When I sing the color songs that Nate and I used to sing together, I'll think of his rainbow.

Anonymous said...

This is a sign that Nate is watching over you, God has given him such a gift for all of us to enjoy.