Well, it's 1:00 a.m. Saturday morning and boy, have we had a rough day! We spent the evening (4 1/2 hours to be exact) at St. John Emergency Room. Something happened to Nate's right leg and we were worried it was ANOTHER break. He was in a lot of pain today and his leg was swollen and hot to the touch. So, we figured better safe than sorry and took him to get x-rays. The radiologist said he didn't see any breaks, but was comparing his x-ray to the last one taken at St. John in March, when he had the major fracture in his femur and it hadn't healed yet. We will have our Orthopaedic Dr. take a look at the x-ray on Monday to make sure Nate's leg is okay. Otherwise, it appears to possibly be a slight stress fracture or a contusion. All we know is it really hurts Nate, but we were happy to get good news tonight. They also did a chest x-ray at our request because he has been wheezing for the past four days and has had a terrible time breathing. He was prescribed Prednisone yesterday and that seemed to kick in today because we could tell a big difference. And the chest x-ray came back clear - more good news! So, as we say, another "bump" in the road of Nathan's rollercoaster life and we just pick up and get back on track. Of course, Nate was the perfect patient. He handled everything with strength and, unless he was in pain at that time, he was smiling and his happy self. What a guy! Every time, I started to get frustrated or tired or mad, he would smile at me and I realized, what do I have to be upset about! The lessons he teaches us all.....