Saturday, May 29, 2010

9:45 p.m. last night

Trey has his watch alarm set to go off every night at 9:45 (the time Nate passed away). The alarm beeps for like 10 seconds. He did this to say a little prayer at this time, or just think of him. Last night I was just getting to bed and the alarm went off. As soon as it went off, I heard Owen over the monitor wake up from a deep sleep saying "pool, pool, pool" over and over again, until the alarm stopped, then he went back to sleep. Now, let me just say that Owen is a VERY good sleeper. He rarely ever wakes up in the middle of the night, and he has never woken up and "talked". I truly believe that this was a sign that Nate was visiting Owen in his dreams and they were playing in the pool together in Heaven! I know it! I had a rough evening last night and this put a smile on my face and I fell asleep smiling! :)


Tash said...

I like that you pray every night when the alarm goes off. That is sweet and it seems to be a great source of comfort. Prayer is the number one comfort for me. Thinking/praying for your family.

Anonymous said...

Sweet story JRo!! Owen loves his brother!! Thinking of you all.
