Friday, January 18, 2008

Some recent pics of Owen and some other stuff....

Here's some recent pics of Owen. He's growing so fast! There's a few pictures of him eating rice cereal and applesauce today. We started him on solids yesterday and he seems to really enjoy them. The stroller Owen is in was in the attic and we had practically forgotten that we had it for Nathan. Nate never did use it because he could never sit up that straight. Owen seems to like it, but of course, he's almost too big for it!

Owen is making new sounds and getting very LOUD! The sounds I love the most (not really) are of him shrieking at the top of his lungs - it's ear piercing! We're not used to this either, as Nathan always had a soft cry and soft voice.

Speaking of, Nathan is doing great!!!! He's also making new sounds. He's using his lips and mouth more and making b, t, d, and h sounds along with his "a" sounds. We have faith that he will talk some day, he wants to so bad!! But even with hope and faith of him verbally communicating, we are looking into a communication device that Nate will use with his eye movement. It is so cool...the technology today is amazing!

He went to see Dr. Cyrus last Tuesday and got a good report. But, he also got five shots and his legs are just now looking better. Poor little guy! Since we switched doctors, Nate will also change hospitals. Trey and I will be meeting with the Manager of the St. Francis PICU on Monday to do a tour, meet the nurses, ask and answer questions. In case of any hospitalization, we want to be prepared and know what to expect.

Nate was doing great in his power chair, but now it's too cold to drive outside. We'll try and get him up this weekend and drive in the house or maybe the garage. We plan on going to the new Veggie Tales movie next week and will let you know how he liked it!

Thanks for checking in!


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