Friday, October 06, 2006

What is this blog thing?

Some of you may be asking....What is this and why are you doing it?

The reason we have created this blog for Nate is that it will make it much easier and faster for us to 1) keep everyone updated on the Little Man and 2) post pictures in a more timely fashion. There is also a big benefit for YOU...this method will allow you to check up on him from any computer via the internet. You won't have to have access to your e-mail any more...just a connection to the internet. The web address for Nate's blog is

I got the idea from another SMA family and I think it is a great way for us to send out our updates and let you know more about Nate's daily life. We hope to be more timely with updates and pictures so check back here as often as you like!



1 comment:

Jayson AKA Daddy to Owen said...

I have a 9 year old son with Cerebral Palsy & We use the bipap on him too Owen uses an "eyegaze" to talk!! We use his webpage to keep friends, & family, his blog is